Sunday, March 19, 2006

Rational Consumers

Two of the six men seriously ill after a disastrous drugs trial last week have been taken off organ support after responding to treatment. Doctors at the Northwick Park Hospital in London, where the trial took place, yesterday confirmed that the condition of two other patients had also improved. They were both "fully conscious and chatting with their relatives", a hospital statement said.

Bizarrely, medical groups are reporting a huge surge in the number of volunteers keen to take part in drug trials. Private companies who carry out clinical trials of drugs said they were experiencing a sharp rise in the number of calls from would-be volunteers. The Medical Research Council had been concerned that the plight of the six men would put off potential volunteers. Instead, it appears as if the four-figure payments on offer to willing guinea pigs has attracted hundreds of people prepared to take the risk.


At 1:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is rather interesting as someone we know has been taking part in drug testing in kyushu in japan. the first time he went they told him that if he was considering fathering any children in the following two years then he should back at now...they don`t let women participate in these trials. that says a lot doesn`t it... for two weeks this lad is getting a million yen (approx NZ$13500/AUS$11500) but apparently not all has gone to plan and he has had an adverse reaction to this series of testing...
is it worth the money? some may argue that it is. but what are the potential long term affects? what would you do?


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