Monday, January 17, 2005

Grenfell of the 4077th reporting in

Well the plane didn't crash and no terrorist actions caused any problems. I am now in Korea. Which so far has been the second hottest place I have ever been to (under floor heating that is).

Have spent the night at the backpackers on Incheon Island and are just killing 30 minutes before the shuttle bus takes us back to the airport for a connecting bus in to Seoul. The ever resourceful Etsuko has already spent 36 hours in Seoul and has already sussed out the good shopping spots! I imagine I will be relieved of my cash in record time.

Today`s plan is to get into Seoul and basically explore the city. There is a cheap bus tour that we will take which is one of those hop on and hop off affairs (most affairs are I suppose!!). After taking care of the hotel and tours payments we will probably hit some of the markets and go on a rather romantic trip on the city cable car up Namsan Mountain to Seoul tower which is almost an exact replica of the Sky Tower (replica? chicken/egg?) The temperature was actually a lot warmer than I was anticipating here and there is only a little snow on the ground, although it is due to rain tomorrow the weather today is perfect, no clouds and no wind.

OK time to get touristy.


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