Monday, November 22, 2004


Thanks for checking out this rather geeky invention. I thought it was time to get a little more high tech with my communication. Some would argue that this isn’t really high tech at all, however, it took me about three hours just to figure out how to log on to the thing!

The plan is of course to update all my exciting happenings on this site, in a kind of diary fashion. So you can check it out at your leisure with all the pretty pictures easily viewable and not having to worry about `Grenfell sending another bloody 2MB email with boring pictures of himself!!`

Anyway some news of what’s happening in my near future…..

December I will be working :-( Unfortunately this includes December 25, which has some kind of festival attached to it back in New Zealand I can’t remember what…Easter maybe? So please think of me as I struggle to work in the freezing temperatures, as you tuck into the Christmas Ham!

January 16-20, 2005 - I will be visiting the rather chilly nation of South Korea and will be based slightly south of Seoul (about 1 hour or so) in a place I call Suwon and a place that Kev calls home. Kev will be proving to be that drinking large amounts of cheap Korean beer does in fact distract you from the sub-zero highs! I plan to visit the border with North Korea and hopefully not get kidnapped in the process. There are however very safe organised tours of that part of the world so I should be relatively safe? Also we will look at the sights and sounds of Seoul and maybe even grab a fast train and run the length of the country (it only takes about 2.5 hours one way at about 250km/hr).

On February 16, 2005 I get on a plane and head to NEW ZEALAND!! YAY!! I arrive in NZ on the morning of Thursday the 17th and will probably fly to Tauranga arriving at about lunch time. I will kick around the Bay of Plenty (and Hopefully get to the old TA stomping ground for a bit during the week) until Wednesday, 23 February when I, sadly, depart for Japan. Of course my birthday is the 19th, and hopefully I will be able to organise a bit of a bash on the Saturday night, so keep your diaries open. If you cant make it please forward my present to my parents.

I will be doing a bit of hiking hopefully in the near future, as long as the weather plays its part. Will update this site with any exciting photos etc. from that mission.

Hope all is well and don’t forget to email me!


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